Friday, 26 August 2011

Just A Moan

So its been a while since I have been on here I am still trying to get used to this medication. Even though I have been taking it for 5 weeks now I still don't feel any better still feel energy is nil and I am so tired all the time also started to feel achy . My blood levels have came down a little but not to how they should be its making me wonder if I will ever feel like me again and not just a Diabetic #sigh# Having a down day 2day about it will feel more myself soon hopefully helps to have a moan sometimes. That's why I started this blog to let out the frustrations and anger so I don't take it out on my family . I think that's it for now 

Blessed Be )0(

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Journal Of a Diabetic Witch: Day 5 (How I feel)

Journal Of a Diabetic Witch: Day 5 (How I feel): "Sometimes I want to close my eyes and go to sleep, Sometimes I get so fed up, I want to feel normal, I want to feel alive again. I want t..."

Day 5 (How I feel)

Sometimes I want to close my eyes and go to sleep,
Sometimes I get so fed up,
I want to feel normal,  
I want to feel alive again.
I want to feel like me again,
That's how I feel with this disease,
I just want it to go away disappear never to come back,
Maybe one day there will be a cure.
But till then I will make do,
There are plenty of people worse off than me,
I will overcome this and I will be me again.

Day 5 = Not feeling good 2day so tired and ache hopefully not coming down with anything . New medication seems to be bringing my blood sugars down but some are still a little high. Hopefully they will come down soon. Have no energy to do anything I need to spend more time with my little boy. Instead I just have no energy. He told me Mummy I will be glad when you are better so you can play with me more. Hate that he said that I have to feel better for him I will do this and till then I will fight the tiredness and play with my little man. 

Blessed be )0(

Friday, 29 July 2011

Journal Of a Diabetic Witch: Journal Of a Diabetic Witch

Journal Of a Diabetic Witch: Journal Of a Diabetic Witch: "Today is the start of me trying to get myself well again ! And this is my Journal After a year of being diabetic I feel like I am finally ..."

Journal Of a Diabetic Witch

Today is the start of me trying to get myself well again ! And this is my Journal 

After a year of being diabetic I feel like I am finally being listened to. Yesterday I at last got to see a consultant at the hospital about my diabetes. Yes its took a year of my GP trying to find the right treatment and me not suiting the tablets she was giving me I still don't think she believed me. Well yesterday I was told that my sugar levels are really to high and that I needed to try injecting myself with a new type of drug called Victoza and also take half a tablet each day. Wasn't very happy really but as to be done :) So now I am hoping that this works as I am really fed up of feeling unwell and missing out on fun times with my little man.

So I have decided to write down how I feel and how my diabetes is not going to win also there probably be a few moans and  defiantly things about my little man and my 2 dogs and maybe a little about my bf  also might put a few crafty things I have made or my boys made and did I tell u I was also a Pagan witch :) 

So Day 1 of my first injection wasn't to bad and i am feeling OK at the min yay  x